

11 Digital Marketing Principles…

…for earning the trust of skeptical customers.

Simply amazing – guidelines for all digital forefathers, natives, nerds etc. to achieve Interactive Marketing success from the Father of Direct Marketing:


Lester Wunderman’s Consumer Bill of Rights for Online Engagement
  1. Tell me clearly who you are and why you are contacting me.
  2. Tell me clearly what you are – or are not – going to do with the information I give.
  3. Don’t pretend that you know me personally. You don’t know me; you know some things about me.
  4. Don’t assume that we have a relationship.
  5. Don’t assume that I want to have a relationship with you.
  6. Make it easy for me to say „yes“ or „no“.
  7. When I say „no“, accept that I mean not this, not now.
  8. Help me budget not only my money, but also my TIME.
  9. My Time is valuable – don’t waste it.
  10. Make my shopping experience easier.
  11. Don’t communicate with me just because you can.
  12. If you do all of that, maybe we will then have a basis for a relationship!

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